The Subject Lead for Personal Development is Julie Crickmore

Personal Development Department Intent Statement

At WSAPC, the intention of our PD curriculum is to deliver an inclusive programme supporting and preparing pupils to live safe, healthy, and productive lives. With a strong focus on Health, Wellbeing, Sex, relationships, and living in the wider world, we aim to ensure our students know how to keep themselves safe in the community, in relationships, and online. We will develop students understanding of risk identity, British values, diversity, and equality. We believe that our focus will equip pupils with the knowledge and skills needed to ensure success with personal effectiveness, interpersonal skills, managing risk and decision making, all essential skills for their lives outside of school, into adulthood and the world of work.

Learning Pathway-PD

Primary Pathway PSHE KS1

Primary Pathway PSHE KS2

Medical Learning-Pathway-PD 

Medical Learning Pathway HUMANITIES