Our Governors
Please click here to read information on the structure of our Governing Body.
Here is a register of our Governors’ Business Interests.
Our Governors can be contacted at clerk@wsapc.co.uk
Bob Smytherman
Chair of Governors
I am a West Sussex County Councillor representing the Tarring Division in Worthing and have been a County Councillor since 2009. In my spare time I am Worthing’s official Town Crier!
Doug Thomas
Executive Headteacher
Doug has had extensive experience in the world of alternative provision and special needs both as a teacher in mainstream secondary settings and also as a leader in alternative provision settings. He firmly believes that the school’s main focus is about opening doors to educational experiences and life experiences so that pupils can enjoy learning and make a habit of learning that will last a lifetime.
Gemma Irvine
Sue Pike
Chris Smethurst