WSAPC Curriculum Statement

Re-engage, Refocus and Reintegrate

The curriculum lead at WSAPC is Jemma Lyons, Director of Learning Please contact her for more information about our curriculum.

Key Outcomes

  1. Improved pupil engagement.
  2. A broad and balanced curriculum offer for all.
  3. Consistency in delivery and assessment.
  4. Improved pupil outcomes.
  5. Improved pupil attendance.
  6. An enrichment programme that supports personal growth and development.


Promoting academic, social and personal progress and participation, through a caring and positive environment where all are valued, supported and inspired to achieve their potential.

It is our intent to deliver a curriculum that provides creative opportunities for learners to reengage in education, identify and close the gaps in their learning and develop the skills needed to be successful in adult life. Each subject will publish its Teaching Framework on the schools website at the start of each academic year. Frameworks have been designed by the subject teams under the direction of the subject lead teachers; given the transient nature of our cohort, the teaching frameworks are designed to focus on the skills and knowledge pupils need to develop to make progress and close the gaps in attainment on their peer groups.

Teaching and Learning

Subject Leads driving challenge and consistency across the school embeds quality first teaching to support pupil progress and attainment. Subject development managed by subject specialists, drives standards forward and enables the implementation of whole school moderation, standardisation and consistency.

The subject leads are responsible for:

  • Implementation and facilitation of subject team meetings at regular intervals throughout the school year (Biannual/Termly)
  • Subject Moderation and Standardisation events – Driving consistency of approach and delivery across WSAPC in the subject (Biannual/Termly).
  • Management and allocation of centralised curriculum budgets relating to their areas of responsibility.
  • Peer observation processes.
  • Developing subject delivery in response to national changes.
  • Development of shared schemes of work and best practice.
  • Identify areas for improvement and targeted intervention.
  • Evaluate the impact of teaching on pupil progress through data analysis.
  • Investigate and support the deployment of learning technologies and resources to promote quality first teaching and improved pupil outcomes.
  • Support subject teams across the school and ensure that all of our pupils and staff are able to access equitable learning opportunities.
  • To raise standards and ensure an equitable offer in all centres, subject specialists will continue to drive standards in their areas to meet the school’s key curriculum outcomes.

Key Outcomes:

  1. Increase in pupil progress and attainment data.
  2. Moderated and Quality Assured delivery and assessment.
  3. Consistency in subject delivery and assessment.
  4. Improved challenge and stretch in all subjects.
  5. Whole school accountability for pupil outcomes.
Subject  Subject Lead Subject Lead Contact Qualifications(Follow links to see curriculum overview maps)
English George Fisher

Key Stage 3 Skills embedding

Step Up 2 English Entry Level Qualification

English Language GCSE

English Literature GCSE

Edexcel Functional Skills Levels 1 and 2

Maths Geoff Taylor

Key Stage 3 Skills embedding

Maths Entry Level Qualification

Maths GCSE

Statistics GCSE

Edexcel Functional Skills Levels 1 and 2

Science Sue McMeeking

Key Stage 3 Skills embedding

Entry Level Qualification

Science GCSE Synergy

Art Including Design Technology Beth Wood

Key Stage 3 Skills embedding


PE Including Outdoor Education Rob Love GCSE Physical Education

Personal Development and Careers

Julie Crickmore

Sue Daniel (Careers) 

Key Stage 3 PSHE

LIBF Award

GCSE Qualification when Introduced

Skills Builder Qualification

Futures – Careers 

Computing Jody Bray

Key Stage 3 Skills embedding

Edexcel Functional Skills Levels 1 and 2

Award in Digital Media to be confirmed

GCSE Computing

Food and Nutrition Anna Vallone

BTEC Home Cooking Skills

City and Guilds Level 1 and 2 Catering Award

Health and Hygiene certificate

Additional curriculum subjects are overseen by the Deputy Head Teacher with responsibility for curriculum; subjects including Geography and History are taught in some centres but not all. Developments in these subject areas will see the offer of optional subjects being delivered through remote sessions and face to face workshops to all pupils in all centres, to further broaden the curriculum offer.


Key Outcomes:

  1. Improved behaviour and engagement.
  2. Improved Attendance.
  3. Personal development and growth.
  4. Healthier Lifestyles.

To support engagement, each setting provides a localised enrichment programme at the beginning and end of the week; with a focus on attendance and personal development, the following activities are available alongside further individual centre developments.

  • Mentoring and fitness through Boxing: Our Boxing mentor delivers sessions in all centres and all age phases. With a clear focus on discipline and fitness through mentorship, the sessions enable pupils to express themselves and channel emotions in a controlled and safe environment.
  • Care Farm: WSAPC pupils from all centres may access the Care Farm to experience a real life animal care environment and engage in positive activities to develop self-esteem and confidence in a therapeutic environment. WSAPC are keen to work with the Care Farm providers with a view to developing our own onsite provision and accredited programme.
  • Albion in the Community/Worthing Bears Basketball Community Programmes: WSAPC pupils benefit from access to sports mentorship, coaching and access to further advice regarding healthy lifestyles, through sessions through these external agencies.
  • Hairdressing: With resource availability in our Littlehampton and Burgess Hill centres, pupils are able to experience and practice basic hair and beauty techniques and skills.
  • Enterprise: Community cohesion at its best; pupils engage in entrepreneurial activities and projects; experiencing project management from conception to delivery, under the supervision of West Sussex business leaders. Projects are designed to ‘give back’ to the community whilst maintaining financial viability. Drawing on a wide range of skills and learning, pupils involved in these projects discover hidden talents and confidence that may have been missed in traditional learning environments.
  • Horticulture: on site at our Burgess Hill site with developments to enable its delivery at our Lancing site; Accreditation through the ASDAN Short Course, is being developed. With links to Science, Food and Nutrition and Maths, pupils enjoy designing, maintaining and experiencing the process of field to fork to support a deeper understanding of the food chain and biological process.
  • Sports and Fitness: ASDAN Short Course accreditation is to be developed to allow the delivery of this course across the centres; pupils from all centres will be able to access this qualification. 

Post 16 and Careers:

  • We have developed links to enable the timely transfer of our NEET pupils to ensure they are supported through the summer into an appropriate destination, with follow up consultation in the Autumn term.
  • In partnership with South Coast Training Providers, an organisation that provides a network of post 16 trainers and providers, we are continually developing how we can develop in school support for year 11 pupils, We intend to launch our own internal careers information day and this network with allow us access to a wide range of providers who could support. Membership of this group can possibly support our vocational planning.
  • Our Personal Development curriculum provides a robust careers programme to support and prepare our pupils for post 16 transition.

Cross Curricular Project work with a focus on Digital Media.

  • We constantly review and look to create and deliver greater learning/engagement opportunities for all of our pupils; with this in mind, the procurement and planning for the wider use of, technology in the classroom was implemented. Our pupils use technology and creative resources in the mainstream schools they come from and will do when we get them back. We have placed an emphasis on how learning technology can enhance all areas of the curriculum, Green Screen technology, Virtual Reality headsets, Lego Mindstorms, Digital recording equipment, Photography Kits and 3D Printers are examples of resources that can support engagement, access to higher learning and better outcomes in learning, as well as developing STEM curriculum. Investment in quality resources supports the ambition to develop cross curricular/Project based collaborations and broaden the offer across the school.
  • Alongside the individual subject area planning, the lead teachers develop plans across the curriculum in conjunction with other subject lead teachers; these projects offer pupils various ways in which they can engage in learning opportunities through hands on and creative tasks.
  • These resources offer an exciting opportunity for pupils to demonstrate the skills and knowledge that they may not have been able to express in the mainstream schools. The vocational landscape is changing and many pupils will look to develop careers online, from web design to Vlogging. As a school we must ensure that pupils have access to traditional academic skills and knowledge alongside contempt learning opportunities that are relevant to the world in which they live.


  • Each centre will provide individualised Learning plans for pupils who have been identified as needing academic intervention by the SENDCOs.
  • Delivery of these intervention will be implemented by the HLTA, designated as having responsibility for intervention in each centre.
  • Specific targets will be set and then measured for impact. 

Outdoor Education:

Outdoor Education funding sits centrally and be developed and planned through the subject lead for that area. All centres will have a menu of activities in place to support engagement and personal development.