Courtneys’ Work Experience

Courtneys’ Work Experience

This week two students from our Crawley Centre have joined the Business Team to carry out some work experience. The tasks they’ve completed so far include: a stock count of stationery and uniform, the design of an information poster for students about logging onto...
Comic Relief Competition

Comic Relief Competition

WSAPC School of Food is holding a Red Nose Day Competition!! It’s open to all staff and students, in anticipation of Red Nose Day on Friday March 18th.  There are some recipes on the attached flier although you can use any you like. Be creative – just remember...
Careers Week Activities

Careers Week Activities

This week is National Careers Week and students will be taking part in career related activities throughout the week. We have put together an activity timetable that includes some activities students can complete at home.  They may not think they are old enough to be...

National Careers Week

To coincide with National Careers Week 2022, Michelle Donelan, Minister of State for Further and Higher Education, is writing to students and parents about the education, training and work choices available to young people after they finish their GCSEs and once they...

Ukraine- News For Children

News stories can be difficult to follow as an adult, let alone explaining them to children. A background explainer has been created by First News to help teachers and parents talk to children about what is going on.  You can access a pdf version here, or follow this...
Letter From The Head

Letter From The Head

Dear parents and carers, I hope you had a restful and safe half term. This is a short update to confirm the school’s arrangements for infection prevention  and control following the government’s lifting of national restrictions during half term. Having...