Celebrating A New Partnership

Celebrating A New Partnership

We’re thrilled to announce that West Sussex Alternative Provision College (WSAPC) and Olive Academies Trust has entered into a one-year partnership. This is an exciting development, which sees two strong organisations sharing expertise and experience to benefit...
School Closure On Monday

School Closure On Monday

Following the sad news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, you will be aware from the news that the day of her state funeral is Monday 19th September 2022 and this has been designated a Bank Holiday. School will therefore be closed to students and staff on...
School Closure On Monday

A Message To Our Parents and Carers

We express our deepest sympathies for the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. West Sussex APC will observe the mourning period but continue to support our students, families and staff and remain open during this time.  Please assume any activities and events we...

Monday 18th July- Hot Weather

The school will be open as usual today and tomorrow. Please ensure your child wears loose and comfortable clothing, applies plenty of sunscreen and remind them to keep hydrated.
Hot Weather

Hot Weather

The forecast is for very hot and sunny weather tomorrow. Please ensure that sun screen is applied before the school day and that students bring a hat to wear whilst outside.  They should also be reminded of the importance of drinking plenty of water during the day to...
Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity

Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity

We are pleased to support the Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity, which is based in Cuckfield, in publicising their fundraising event this month. Since the Charity was established in 2001 by the late Dame Vera Lynn, the Forces Sweetheart, they have helped more than 700...