Rainbow Flag Award Achieved By WSAPC

Rainbow Flag Award Achieved By WSAPC

In July last year we wrote to parents and carers explaining that WSAPC was working towards achieving The Rainbow Flag Award accrediting the emphasis which we place on being an inclusive organisation for students, staff and families regardless of sexual orientation and...
Head’s Blog

Head’s Blog

Dear WSAPC community members, On Friday we end another successful year at “APC”. A record number of pupils have come into our college for a variety of needs and to move ahead with their personal educational journey. As you have seen with previous letters and...
Relocation of Secondary Unit at WSAPC Chichester

Relocation of Secondary Unit at WSAPC Chichester

Our secondary unit at North Mundham, Chichester, is to relocate to our Littlehampton centre with effect from September 2018.  This is a really exciting opportunity for our students and staff at both sites as, not only have we been successful in obtaining funding to...
End of Term

End of Term

Please be aware that the end of the summer term at WSAPC is Friday 20th July. School starts again on Wednesday 5th September 2018.
The Heatwave Continues!

The Heatwave Continues!

Just a reminder to send your child to school with sun cream and a sunhat in the present hot weather. Children should also be encouraged to drink plenty of water and ideally bring a water bottle with them to school.
Online Safety Day Tuesday 3rd July

Online Safety Day Tuesday 3rd July

On Tuesday 3rd July, all centres within WSAPC will be holding the APC Online Safety Day. In each centre, lessons of all subjects will be focussed on learning how to be safe when online. We would like parents and carers to be as involved with this as the students are,...