World Book Day

World Book Day

For World Book Day this year, we enjoyed talking about different book characters and used the BFG to think about how the appearance of a character sometimes doesn’t quite match their personality. We dressed up and shared our favourite characters with each other by...
Return To School- Message From The Head

Return To School- Message From The Head

Dear Parent/Carers, I hope that this email finds you well and that you are also eagerly awaiting the lifting of the restrictions that we have all been in, due to COVID-19. I write to you with some good news in that all pupils at WSAPC will be able to attend their...
Safer Internet- And Fake News

Safer Internet- And Fake News

Fake news is everywhere with online rumours, conspiracy theories and scams tending to spread quickly across social media sites. Articles are usually engaging because they often arouse fear, anger or hatred- we feel these emotions and then react by sharing the news and...
Pancake Competition

Pancake Competition

We’re holding a Pancake Competition, open to staff and students, in anticipation of Pancake Day next week! See the pancake poster attached for more details about how to get involved, and how to take part in the Extreme Challenge if you’re brave enough!!...
Safer Internet Week At WSAPC

Safer Internet Week At WSAPC

At WSAPC, we will be holding a Safer Internet Week all this week. This years’ theme for Safer Internet Day is “An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world” Safer Internet Day 2021 celebrates the amazing range of information and opportunities...
Providing School Meals During Covid-19 Outbreak

Providing School Meals During Covid-19 Outbreak

Please be advised that we are working hard to collate information on pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) to ensure that any vouchers for the period 4th January to 12th February, in line with guidance issued by the Department For Education (DfE), are...